Standardized Rainscreen Tests
Rain Screen Wall Cladding Systems Testing Manufacturers of exterior wall cladding systems (a.k.a. panel systems) have long desired a standardized way of testing and comparing the performance of their products.
Rain Screen Wall Cladding Systems Testing Manufacturers of exterior wall cladding systems (a.k.a. panel systems) have long desired a standardized way of testing and comparing the performance of their products.
Rainscreen wall systems have been used in various parts of the world for over 500 years. Norwegian architects and engineers were the first to realize the value of cavity wall
In this day of energy efficiency and sustainability, prescriptive energy codes are constantly being written by various state and local jurisdictions that only address the thermal properties of building components.
The “Gage” or* “Gauge” of a piece of sheet metal is a number designation related to the thickness and weight per square foot of the metal. Gages for sheet metal